Genellan: The Planet
Mercator Projection
Planet Specifics
Star Data: conclusive, G7V/dwarf
Target Planet: preliminary scans
confidence level 9
Negative prior identification
Summary Data
mean orbital 1.013 au
mass 0.92 ± 0.1%
reciprocal mass 408520
eccentricity .0198
equatorial radius 0.8902
inclination 18° 43'
sidereal day 26hrs 14 min ± 0.001%
sidereal period 396days ± 0.6%
atmospheric pp 60% N2, 18% O2, 17% CO2, 7% H2O, Traces O3, SO2, A, K, H, HE
biology C
polar hi/lo 255/275
midlat hi/lo 287/274
equatorial hi/lo 299/283
p plant life 0.999
p animal life 0.984
civilization insufficient data
surface water present (83% of surface saltwater ocean)/active weather
systems/mature erosion patterns from wind and water/active seismic areas - significant geological instability.
ambiguous indications of technological presence limited to sporadic radar emissions.
negative roads or easements, negative incandescent or coherent lights, negative structures, negative communications, negative marine traffic.
habitability category [ A-0 ] maximum assurance
no disqualifiers
sensor coverage 1.00